Personal Development

5 Tips to gain control and get in the drivers seat of life.

Just so we are clear, these are not literal tips to show you how to get your rear into the drivers seat of your car and drive, literally, anywhere in life. If you need those kind of tips - we might all be in trouble, or at least those on the roads around you!

5 Tips to gain control and get in the drivers seat of life.

Be Unoffendable

Being unoffendable is a big bold statement - but wouldn't it be great if we could strive for that mentality.

What IF we could be unoffendable in everyday life. Ya know -  take the high road, walk away, be the bigger man or woman, shake it off, let it roll off, put anger, resentment and frustrations aside and forget about it.  (I'm imaging those last 3 words "Forget about it" spoken in a strong Jersey accent - it sounds more exciting that way, so go there with me.)

Be Unoffendable

Building on your Strength.... or is it Talent?

How do you stand out in a crowd? You are, in fact uniquely created, and with that perfect design came a distinct set of natural talents that you were born with.  You know, the things that make you.... well YOU.  

Actually most people don't really know their own strengths or talents - it seems much easier to ask someone else what your strengths or talents are, as they can quickly point them out - if you trust the person and the opinion that is.

So what is the difference?

Building on your Strength.... or is it Talent?